George Bradshaw Address 2020

Former secretary of state for transport, Patrick McLoughlin, delivered this year’s George Bradshaw Address to a packed room at the impressive Institute of Civil Engineers building in London earlier this week. Here’s our round-up of what happened:  HS2: a light at the end of the tunnel  Unsurprisingly, HS2 was a hot topic. McLoughlin, like many … Read more

Why success has to be specific

Winning a new client is undoubtedly an exciting time for any PR agency but it’s vital to define success from the outset. Success can mean many things to different people and sometimes, your client may not even know what success looks like. It’s our job as a PR agency to guide them towards defining their … Read more

House building is not about making ‘space’, it’s about creating ‘place’

A ‘sense of community’ is what we get when the environment we’re in, or that we live in, feels comfortable to us and consistent with how we see ourselves and with our personality – the identity of the place fits with our notion of our own identity. Developments in which people love both the physical … Read more

An underground journey to the future

Five steps to a better Tube No two cities are the same, and this is especially true when it comes to the local mass transit systems. Underground rail systems are the veins and arteries of a city, when they work well, it’s great, but when they fail, it can cause major problems and stress. As … Read more

6 tips from Keeble Brown on how to write engaging blog posts

If you want to make your business stand out a blog is a great way of demonstrating your prowess in thought leadership. A good place to start is a current or controversial topic that is of interest to your target audience, with an interesting, if not unique, spin, take or insight on it that is … Read more

Housing associations must embrace transparency

Housing associations are a tricky confluence of private profit and public service. They inspire rancour across several parties, with The Spectator calling them ‘the true villains of the housing crisis’. Today, MPs called for sweeping changes to how housing associations are regulated on the back of evidence of managerial neglect. In theory, housing associations should … Read more