
History repeats itself, but not in the way you might imagine. How identity politics is being used to diminish democracy.

In 1952, around the time of the last coronation, a Conservative government scrapped the nation’s ID card claiming it was too prone to abuse by a heavy-handed police force and would cause the public to mistrust it. Fast forward 50 years, and the New Labour government pushes through a bill to bring back National Identity Cards.  In a matter of months after the initial launch, the Cameron-Clegg Coalition decided to abandon the scheme. A decade later, and it would seem the public’s mistrust of the police is now accepted and, by many, a justified fact. Yet the UK still does

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Building Safety Bulletin – Week of April 24 – 30, 2023

Welcome to this week’s building safety bulletin. This page outlines some of the significant news and changes affecting developers, leaseholders, contractors, housing providers, and anyone else interested in the UK’s building safety crisis.     1. Developer remediation contract  There have been no new signatories to the government’s developer remediation contract. So far, 46 developers have committed themselves to carrying out remedial works on life-critical fire safety defects with buildings they have developed or refurbished since 1993. There are four developers that have not signed the contract – Abbey Developments, Avant, Dandara and Rydon Homes. According to Michael Gove, none of the

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Building Safety Bulletin – Week of April 17 – 21, 2023

Welcome to this week’s building safety bulletin. This page outlines some of the significant news and changes affecting developers, leaseholders, contractors, housing providers, and anyone else interested in the UK’s building safety crisis.    1. Registration process for Building Safety Regulator opens  The registration process for the Building Safety Regulator’s (BSR) portal has commenced, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) announced last week. As part of the Building Safety Act’s reforms, all existing residential buildings with heights of at least 18 metres or 7 storeys should be registered with the BSR by 1 October. The Principle Accountable Person (PAP), which can

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Building Safety Bulletin – Week of April 11 – 14, 2023

Welcome to this week’s building safety bulletin. This page outlines some of the significant changes affecting developers, leaseholders, contractors, housing providers, and anyone else interested in the UK’s building safety crisis.    1. Galliard and Emerson sign remediation contract  Galliard Homes and Emerson Group have joined 44 other developers in signing the remediation contract for buildings 11m and over. Nearly a month after the deadline, there are four developers that have not signed – Abbey Developments, Avant, Dandara and Rydon Homes. If Michael Gove intends to keep to his word, these homebuilders will be barred from joining the government’s Responsible

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Building Safety Bulletin – Week of April 03 – 09, 2023

Welcome to this week’s building safety bulletin. This page outlines some of the significant changes affecting developers, leaseholders, contractors, housing providers, and anyone else interested in the UK’s building safety crisis.     1. Developer remediation contract  This week, Galliard Homes signed the government’s developer remediation contract, committing the developer to remediate their unsafe buildings. This brings the total signatures to 45 with 5 who are still yet to sign (Abbey Developments, Avant, Dandara, Emerson Group and Rydon Homes). The developers were expected to sign by 13 March 2023. The government has threatened serious consequences for those who do not.    2. Inside

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Building Safety Bulletin – Week of March 20 – 26, 2023

    Welcome to this week’s building safety bulletin. This page outlines some of the significant changes affecting developers, leaseholders, contractors, housing providers, and anyone else interested in the UK’s building safety crisis.   1. Developer remediation contract  Two weeks on from the deadline to sign the government’s remediation contract, committing developers to addressing life-critical fire safety defects associated with buildings 11m+ they have built or refurbished, there are 6 who have yet to sign (Abbey Developments, Avant, Dandara, Emerson Group, Galliard Homes and Rydon Homes). The latest signatories are Lendlease and Inland Homes. If developers want to join the government’s

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